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    A diary is found from Zaire (the Congo), 1976. An American housewife was naïve to the danger that surrounded her in the form of the dictator, Mobutu – and that she flirted with the source of contagions. But other dangers lie much closer to home, and we discover that ignoring abuse does not equate innocence. Dictators live in palaces paid for by the blood of the people. They also live in suburban homes haunted by the silent tears of children. But in the end, their minds always live in the heart of darkness.
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    OTHER THAN. 11 Short Docs. 5 Continents.
    One Feature Film. As the modern world becomes smaller and our differences become larger, can we afford to ignore what it means to be similar and yet unique? Explore the fine line between us and them. Premiere Marche Screening, Cannes Film Festival, 2012.
    Watch the film here
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    POLACK. A Small Minded Movie.
    What do you get when you go looking for the source of the Polish joke in America? Bombshells, Hunks, Skinheads, Twins, Communists, Riots, Disco, Monsters, the Pope, a Plane Crash, and Cats. A gay man searches for home, but beyond the punch-lines, we sway between outsider and insider, where victim becomes bully. Visit its webpage for more information or watch the entire film.